
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

In I am not an old dude on a horse news,

My mom keeps saying, "Diabeetus." Because she made a bitchy comment about my parenting, I commented on it. 

And somehow I don't care...

Friday, August 19, 2011

It's awfully crowded in here....

Dad is listening to a song I suspect is called "Paper Roses" so loudly on his tinny netbook speakers (and tiny, but most annoyingly tinny) so loudly that I have had to use headphones to watch a movie on my laptop 20 feet away in the next room.  

Keeping an eye out...

One of the neighbors is working on his yard, which involves pulling up some plants that are done blooming for the season.

The parents are planning how to sneak over and cut the mostly-dead flowers off the pile by the street.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

They're here...

The parents are here for a long weekend,  and they brought a little cereal.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Talked to my mom today.  She told me, with great excitement, that she'd found a bag of spider rings!

me: Spider rings?
her: Yeah! A whole bag of them!
me: Okay...
her: Do you want me to bring them?

(stunned pause)

me: Give them away at Halloween.
her: Oh! That's a good idea! Are you sure you don't want them??
me: Yes.