
Sunday, December 26, 2010

I saved the coffee pot from being ravaged by Mom and The Sister.

Mom: I turned the coffee pot off.
Me: O....kay. (It auto-turned off an hour ago, so this confused me.)
Mom: WELL, there wasn't a lot of coffee left. (This was whispered as if having a little leftover coffee was somehow shameful.)
Me: Okay.

A few minutes later.....

Mom: The Sister, we'll have to make more coffee if you want any....
The Sister: growl snarl hiss whine
Mom: How do we do this.
Insert a few minutes of clanks and clacks with snipey whispering.
Dad: They might need some help....
Me: Am I going to have to go make coffee?
Dad: No, no, just tell them what to do.
I give him a look.
Dad: Or maybe show them how this once.

I went and made the coffee, and then on the way back to my seat mentioned to Dad that I'd used the coffee pot for the first time this morning.

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