
Friday, September 21, 2012


Names changed!

Mom: "How is Catherine doing?"

Me: "...... you mean my friend Jess's baby?"

Mom: "Yes."

Me: "She's.... good?"

Mom: "I just wondered what she looks like now."

Me: logging into Facebook

Mom: Awwww, she's cute!

Me, noticing one of those helpful sidebar messages on Facebook: "Oh, is it (her sister)'s birthday?"

Mom: "Why yes, yes it is..."

Me: "Okay.... " (I type out a message to wish my aunt a happy birthday, then click through to my cousin's profile)

Mom: GASP "YOUR cousin likes Southern Living?!?" My mom is a long-time subscriber and has given many years of it to me as well. Earlier in the day she had verified that I did not wish to continue my gift subscription that she got me after asking me this last year and getting it anyway, after I received my current issue in the mail which has printed right on there that it's a gift from her.

Me: "Well. That just means she clicked 'like' on their Facebook page."

Mom: "She was just down in Hometown, but she didn't even stop by or call us. Oh, there's the picture." 

It was a picture of about 6 completely and well-dressed young women standing in front of a fountain smiling for the camera. My cousin was tagged in the photo and the album was called, "(Somebody's) Bachelorette Weekend".

Mom: audible sigh "People put anything on that Facebook. I don't know why anybody joins it."

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